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Gerardo Ruiz Dosal, hijo del coordinador de compromisos de campaña de Enrique Peña Nieto, Gerardo Ruiz Esparza, muestra diversos lujos y opulencia en Facebook, con vuelos en jet privado, viajes por el mundo, fiestas en Las Vegas, entre otros lujos. El caso de la opulencia mostrada en Facebook por la hija de Paulina Romero, hija de priista y líder petrolero Carlos Romero Deschamps, no es el único en su tipo. Gerardo Ruiz Dosal, hijo del coordinador de compromisos de campaña de Enrique Peña Nieto, Gerardo Ruiz Esparza, también mostró en su cuenta de Facebook sendas fotografías de opulencia, incluyendo viajes por diversas partes del mundo, vuelos en jet privado, paseo en yate, fiestas en Las Vegas, departamentos en Madrid y Houston, vino de 23 mil pesos y relojes caros, un auto Ferrari, fotografías con cantantes famosos y desde luego fotografías con Enrique Peña Nieto, a quien llama “jefe de jefes.” Es lo que señala un mensaje que se ha difundido por email, mostrando imágenes del Facebook de Gerardo Ruiz Dosal.

Las imágenes no han sido mostradas por Ruiz Dosal en su cuenta de Twitter (@gerryrudo), no obstante. En cambio, desde Twitter, Ruiz Dosal ha publicado mensajes contra Andrés Manuel López Obrador, inclusive haciendo alusión al caso de René Bejarano.Gerardo Ruiz Esparza, Father Ruiz Dosal has extensive corrículum as a public official in various federal PRI administrations and PRI in the State of Mexico, from the 70s, and even in the administration of Vicente Fox, where he served as Director of Administration’s Federal Electricity Commission between 1999 and 2005 administracioens. That is to say, was an official with Fox for 4 years.

Starting in 2005, Ruiz Esparza joins the cabinet of the government of Enrique Peña Nieto in the State of Mexico, where he served as Minister of Communications. After the administration of Peña Nieto joins campaign coordinator of campaign commitments. ‘s salary as officer Esparsa Ruiz Peña Nieto was just over 181 thousand dollars a month. Check flight private jet, without however, is about $ 4,000. That is, two hours of private flight equivalent to more than half the monthly salary of Ruiz Esparza.Gerardo Ruiz Dosal, meanwhile, worked as private secretary to the PRI federal deputy David Penchyna until 2010 according to the information dufindió by email. In his Twitter account, in fact, refers to work in the House of Representatives in 2010 and also featured a photograph which appears Penchyna a report of work from 2009 to 2010:

A picture on Facebook of Ruiz Dosal, in fact, shows Penchyna at the Permanent Commission and identifies it as your boss: Since 2011, says the information Dosal Ruiz lives in an apartment in Madrid, supposedly costing 3 thousand euros a month, to do a Masters in the Ortega y Gasset Institute, which is supposed to be completed this year.Ruiz’s photographs on Facebook Dosal span from 2007 to 2011. From 2009 to 2010, Ruiz Dosal income would have had direct federal deputy secretary. From 2011 to 2012 is supposed to be studying a Masters in Madrid, but several of the pictures of private jet, luxury travel, including photos in a Ferrari, are 2011.Here some photos of the son of Ruiz Esparza, Gerardo Ruiz Dosal, taken from his Facebook account:This is a photo of Gerardo Ruiz Dosal appearing in your Twitter profile.Recall that Enrique Peña Nieto tried to justify the opulence of Romero Deschamps claiming that he had worked for the oil workers, but without explaining the source of his wealth.Also recalled that Andrés Manuel López Obrador has spoken out against the continued use of private flights in government, as well as halving the salaries of the high bureaucracy.UPDATE: Gerardo Ruiz Esparza is now the Secretary of Communications and Transport of Enrique Peña Nieto.

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